So this post is super late considering Wordstock happened on October 5 but here is my recap of my day there! Better late then never!
My sister and I were originally supposed to volunteer but we decided not to because we just couldn't pass up the experience of actually attending Wordstock. Once we arrived, we got our tickets and bought lots and lots of books! My sister doesn't usually read YA but she even found some that she thinks she will like! While buying said books, I happened to turn around to look at the author check in booth and there was Jessica Brody! I went over and said hi and introduced myself and she even knew who I was! So cool! And she was sooo nice!After we roamed around and checked out all of the booths, we found our 8th grade teacher (!!!) Paul Martone and got to visit with him! (Embarrassing picture alert! And yes, I am a twin :))
Then we met up with Angie from Disquietus! I was so happy to finally get to meet her! We went to the Crossing the (Genre) Line panel together. This panel featured Jessica Brody, Jennifer Bosworth, Francesca Lia Block, and JR Johansson. It was a really cool panel! Jessica Brody is hilarious! (I'm so disappointed in my picture taking skills.)

Here is me and Jessica! :)
Here is JR signing my book!
- Parental relationships (personally I'd prefer if books didn't have them!)
- What will the YA section look like in the future
- Love story versus Romance (what's the difference)
We stood in line for the signing because I forgot to get one book signed by Gayle and I needed to get some swag for Angie. Also, I almost forgot, while we were in this particular panel, Robin Wasserman was there as well and so I got her to sign some books for me, too. You can see the pictures up above!
Here is me and Stephanie Perkins! HOW CUTE IS SHE?! I LOVE HER DRESS!
Lastly, while we were waiting for our mom to come pick us up, we went and sat in on some of Maggie Stiefvater's panel as well. This one wasn't anything special to me and Maggie is a little too 'in your face' for me but it was kind of entertaining.
Wordstock was so much fun! And yay for my author stalking skills, amiright?
ReplyDeleteJessica Brody is freaking amazing. I adore her and hope she comes back to our city often.
I'm still sad about missing the Captivated by Contemporary panel and Maggie's panel. So many of my favorites and what I saw at the end of Maggie's was hilarious. She cracks me up.
PERKINS IS THE CUTESTS. I want to steal her dress. I wish I could pull off clothes like that.
We are so making this a yearly thing. I'm just sad that we have to wait until 2015 for the next one.