Saturday, March 7, 2015

50 Shades of Grey - Movie Review

I did it. I saw 50 Shades of Grey. A movie I never thought I would ever go see and one that I swore up and down no one was ever going to convince me to see.

And guess what.

I liked it!

I'm still shocked by this fact. I definitely didn't love it but here's how it went for me...

I liked it, then I got so bored that I wanted to walk out, then the sex scenes started happening (they really leave you hanging with those), then I hated the movie ("sexual beatings" = NO THANK YOU), then THE CLIFFHANGER...OMG now I'm HOOKED!

I tried reading the book like a year ago and couldn't even make it 20 pages because the writing is SO BAD. But now I'm dying to try reading them again because I am hardcore invested in Anna and Christian. I definitely do not like the sex though and am not about that dominance stuff or whips or anything but JAMIE DORNAN IS HOT. Only as Christian though because he doesn't have all the awful facial hair that he does IRL.



Also, Dakota Johnson was perfect as Anna! I loved the casting and even though they are super awkward IRL, I think they work perfectly together. There's rumors going around that Jamie won't be in the next one and if that's the case, then I'm going to PO'd that I wasted my time seeing the first movie. HE IS CHRISTIAN GREY. No one can replace him.

The soundtrack also helped me enjoy the movie, too!

Side note: I work at a movie theater, so we had the movie there. This old guy came out when the movie was done and said to me "Here's a little advice for you. Spanking is a good thing, but too much of it can be a bad thing." I WAS SHOCKED. I really didn't need to hear that from an old guy! But it was funny!

Last side note: Dakota looked FAB at the Oscars!

TELL ME: Did you see the movie? Have you read the books? Let's discuss!


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