Monday, December 15, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday

It's Top Ten Tuesday! Hosted by Broke and Bookish, this week's topic is...
Top Ten Books I Read In 2014


  1. I haven't read any of the books you've mentioned in your post. I'll have to check them out! Here is a link to my TTT list for the week:

  2. I absolutely adored Open Road Summer. I think it was a fantastic debut! It looks like you've had a great reading year! My TTT

  3. I LOVE your cartoons! There are a couple there that weren't really a priority for me, but I will have to check them out, particularly Audrey, Wait! and My Life with the Walter Boys.

    My TTT
    LisaILJ @ I’ll Tumble for YA

  4. Great picks. I love Ockler, Roth, and am dying to read the one by Lord. here's my TTT

    Also, I still have my $30 Amazon giveaway going.

  5. I haven't read any of these books - not even the Divergent trilogy...and I watched the film before reading the books! :-( I know, I'm a terrible reader! Anyway, I have the books and I'll be reading them soon. I'll check out the other books you mentioned :-)

  6. This is such a cute post :) SYBG made my list too!

    My TTT

    -Maggie @ macarons & paperbacks
