Saturday, June 29, 2013

From The Shelves

This weeks From The Shelves review (hosted by Blog of Erised) is about

 "Rule #1: You may bring only what fits in your backpack. Don’t try to fake it with a purse or a carry-on.
Rule #2: You may not bring guidebooks, phrase books, or any kind of foreign language aid. And no journals.
Rule #3: You cannot bring extra money or credit/debit cards, travelers’ checks, etc. I’ll take care of all that.
Rule #4: No electronic crutches. This means no laptop, no cell phone, no music, and no camera. You can’t call home or communicate with people in the U.S. by Internet or telephone. Postcards and letters are acceptable and encouraged.
That’s all you need to know for now.

Summary: Virginia 'Ginny' Blackstone is a shy, 17-year-old girl who receives a set of 13 envelopes from her Aunt Peg. Each envelope is filled with instructions and tasks that Ginny must complete before moving onto the next one. What follows is a story of a girl experiencing the trip of a lifetime! 

This book is one of my favorite books of all time. I think Maureen Johnson is a genius! It's been awhile since I've read this book, but I remember that once I read the instructions Ginny received, I was hooked. This book has everything I love - romance, travel, and life discoveries! One day I want to travel just like this. I want to make envelopes or have my sister make some and then I go to Europe without a real set plan and just let the envelopes guide me, see what happens.

Rating: 10/10


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